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Quality Assurance

ACC have developed a comprehensive internal Quality Assurance system. This is based off the foundations of our Quality Assurance Policy and our Integrated Quality Management Plan.

Under the guidelines of our QMP and through the use of such tools as Test and Work Method Statements as well as our own Integrated Work Method Statements (IWMS) we ensure that our work is of the highest integrity and meets and exceeds industry standards


Our QMP -

ACC is involved in corrosion, coating and cathodic protection investigations on metallic and reinforced concrete structures including pipelines, tanks, buried compact structures, buildings and wharfs. ACC provide specialist design, supply and installation of cathodic protection systems, as well as specification, and supervision during application of coating systems.

ACC contract their expertise to public and private organisations in providing solutions that minimise deterioration of assets by metallic corrosion. The Company specialises in providing their services with regard to structures in particular to those constructed of steel and concrete.

ACC provides these services through the work of accredited technicians and experienced engineers.

ACC capabilities include the following:



Corrosion of Metal in Concrete

Australasian Corrosion Consultants perform a variety of concrete corrosion surveys, investigations and condition assessments. ACC is capable of providing a range of surveys, including; Equipotential Mapping, Resistivity tests, Concrete Cover Survey and Delamination surveys.

Our detailed, technical reports provide the results and findings of these assessments as well as recommendations to repair sections and mitigate for corrosion where required.


Corrosion of metals in soils

Our vast experience with buried structures such as pipelines and tanks allows ACC to specialise in the inspection and monitoring of metals in soils. The services that we offer range from; DCVG, CIPS, Potential surveys, easement surveys, soil resistivity surveys, Soil pH tests and corrosivity surveys. Utilising these methods allow for ACC to provide our clients with an overall picture of the asset to provide staged maintenance and protection systems based on a risk of failure.

Our consulting services range from providing a condition assessment of existing buried structures to a soil corrosivity survey to examine the corrosion potential for future developments.


Corrosion of metals in water

ACC’s experience extends to the corrosion of metals in water. With our experience with many state and rural water companies, ACC has performed consulting services for the condition of metal structures in both marine and fresh water environments. Some of the consulting services that we offer include; Materials assessments in aquatic environments, corrosion of steels in dam and fresh water environments and water quality assessments from a corrosion perspective (chlorides, pH, conductivity etc.)


Stray Current Corrosion

Stray Current Corrosion failure can be an extremely costly phenominon for asset holders. On top of the direct cost of repair or replacement, indirect costs such as loss of product; interrupted supply; unscheduled manufacturing shut down,  and loss of company goodwill can be significant.


Stray Current Corrosion is caused by an externally induced direct electrical current (DC). Some examples of sources of stray current are rail transit systems, cathodic protection systems, electric DC distribution systems and the operation of electrical machines. 


ACC's principal, engineers and technicians have over 50 years’ experience in investigation of stray current corrosion. In this period, Principal Mr Bill Gerritsen was employed by the Australian Telecommunication Commission (Telecom) for 18 years in the Companies Electrolysis Section, initially investigating for stray current effects and mitigation thereof and for the latter 7 years representing Telecom on the Technical Sub-Committee. Bill was instrumental in facilitating the introduce of technology known as a variable conductance drainage bond (VCDB) to the Victorian Electrolysis Committee to mitigate stray currents caused by re-generative trams operating in the greater Melbourne area. 


A portion of ACC’s time is spent in representing the interests of a number of companies from the water supply and petroleum industries in Newport, Paisley, Yarraville, Sunbury and Bendigo in managing the stray traction currents caused by the operation of electrical trains, light rail and trams.



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Contracting Services

Cathodic protection system audits

Existing cathodic protection systems need to be properly maintained and monitored on a regular basis to ensure that they are achieving their intended purpose. Australasian Corrosion Consultants offer an auditing service on existing systems, this can include; cathodic protection system fault finding, stray current corrosion investigations and ground bed, anode and CPRU condition assessments.


Cathodic protection periodic monitoring

The effective operation of cathodic protection systems is dependent on regular monitoring and maintenance checks. ACC utilise their experience and specialised equipment to regularly monitor cathodic protection systems across Australia. In doing this, we are able make adjustments to the system where necessary and recommend specific areas of underperformance for rectification.


Cathodic protection system design

ACC have a vast experience in the design and specification of Cathodic Protection systems. Our capability ranges from the design of Galvanic (sacrificial) anode systems, Impressed Current systems and Hybrid (Duoguard) systems. Our design works are completed to the requirements of all relevant Australian and international standards as well as our client’s needs.

Included in our design is a report including detailed calculations, drawings, and methodology for installation and commissioning requirements.


Cathodic protection installation

ACC’s contracting services include specialist installation of cathodic protection systems. Using innovative methodologies, advanced civil techniques and experienced project management systems, ACC have delivered the installations of Sacrificial anode, Impressed Current and Hybrid cathodic protection systems to a variety of different structures across Victoria and Australia.


Cathodic protection commissioning

In order to achieve full compliance to operational requirements, cathodic protection systems must be properly energised and commissioned. Australasian Corrosion Consultants can assist in the testing, reporting and licensing requirements for a new cathodic protection system. ACC’s commissioning services include post energisation testing, stray current interference testing of foreign structures and registration with state electrolysis committees.

ACC provide a detailed commissioning report which includes results of testing, allowable current settings as well as any recommendations to be made. Our commissioning surveys and reports are completed under the guidelines of the relevant Australian Standards.


Cathodic protection training

We believe that the best method of maintaining a cathodic protection system is awareness. In order to achieve this, ACC provides a training course to our clients in the monitoring and basic troubleshooting of their cathodic protection system. This allows costs to be kept to a minimum as well as helps to develop corrosion awareness across the built environment and petrochemical industries.


Water tank coating

ACC has developed an innovative coating assessment system that has been specifically designed for steel reservoirs which must remain in service. The system allows for an assessment of the internal coated surface below the water line without dewatering.

The advantages of this system include:


  • A Coating survey can be carried out without requiring the tank to be taken off line. Water supply is maintained without additional infrastructure.

  • There is no requirement to enter the interior of the tank therefore, additional personnel not required to meet confined space requirements.

  • Large wetted internal surface areas are assessed within the tank using a simple test resulting in quantified data.

  • Tanks with cathodic protection installed do not require additional temporary hardware to be installed.

  • Results can be used in deciding further action to be taken with regard to coatings and used to assess deterioration rates.


ACC has developed this Unique and innovative method of tank analysis through decades of experience in the coating and asset management industry. This system has been patented by ACC.


Find out More:                                   



Off Shore Oil and Gas Monitoring

ACC have suitably qualified and trained staff to perform offshore monitoring of oil and gas platforms. With training in MSIC, HUET and BOSIET. ACC’s has the ability to perform Cathodic Protection monitoring to service the needs of our clients’ off shore platforms and rigs.



We specialize in

Corrosion Investigation


Corrosion Protection


Surveys & Investigation


Cathodic Protection Design


Installation & Maintenance

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